Wibu-Systems supports community life in Karlsruhe

The Canisiushaus Association is a unique civic institution in the Südstadt quarter of Karlsruhe, Wibu-Systems’ home. Formed as a private initiative to give the local parish of Our Lady a community hall, the association is nearing its 100th anniversary and remains an active community. The Association is financed solely by donations and its members’ contributions and uses its financial means and the active support of its volunteers to maintain a wide range of community activities at the Canisiushaus.
Life at the Canisiushaus includes the parish library, childcare, an amateur theatre troupe, and facilities for parish events and private celebrations. The Association is also actively committed to a healthier environment, with its traditional waste paper collection drive and the 115 square meters of solar panels installed on the roof of the Canisiushaus in 2008. The sheer range of the activities makes the Canisius the beating heart of the parish and center of a vibrant community. It remains a singular site in the Archdiocese of Freiburg.
The Canisiushaus is located only one mile from Wibu-Systems’ head offices in Karlsruhe in the traditional railway workers’ quarter of the city. Its commitment to the local community mirrors Wibu-Systems’ own belief in staying true to its roots in the city.
Wibu-Systems is proud to support the work of the Canisiushaus and the Canisiushaus Association.