Rassegna Stampa


Un ecosistema per la digitalizzazione

Fonte: TECNELAB, pagg. 26-27 (6 novembre 2023)

Higher level of data encryption

German only

Source: ISGATEC (3 November 2023)

Wibu-Systems: No chance for product pirates

German only

Source: additive (30 October 2023)

How do you decide how safe a software is?

Chinese only

Source: bilibili, (13 October 2023)

Contenitori licenze per tutti i gusti

Fonte: TECNELAB, pagg. 124-125 (25 settembre 2023)

Protecting AI Applications and Models

German only

Source: INDUSTR.COM, (20 September 2023)

Più buisiness con i moduli software

Fonte: TECNELAB, pagg. 16-17 (18 luglio 2023)

Secure marketplace

German only

Source: i-need.de (7 July 2023)

From maximum security to new business models

German only

Source: ISGATEC (19 June 2023)

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